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Peaches & Dream brings together a diverse array of terpenes to give Boojum’s high-THC cartridges a sweet and soothing medley that’s sure to delight. Featuring only pure THC distillate enhanced with delicate all-natural plant-derived terpenes, these cartridges offer a safe, potent, and bioavailable medicine that goes into action immediately. No fillers, ever. Peaches & Dream lives up to its name with sweet peachy flavors that kindle fanciful daydreams and make the body feel like it’s resting on air. Relaxing myrcene helps soothe the body and mind, while the woodsy α-pinene and β-pinene lend their peaceful and focused effects. β-caryophyllene, limonene, linalool, and humulene round out the bouquet for a sweetly lucid experience.