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Turbulence is no match for High Variety's Euphoria product line. Bliss is just around the corner - itβs smooth sailing from here.
Strain | Sherb Crasher 6 |
Sherb Crasher #6 is a strain created by crossing Sunset Sherbet and Wedding Crasher. This hybrid is chosen by patients seeking relief from the symptoms of eating disorders, mood disorders, and nausea. The terpene Beta-Caryophyllene offers a sweet dessert-like flavor with hints of skunky citrus and berry.
There are many potential benefits to using a cannabis greenhouse:
A controlled environment limits the plant's encounters with bugs, pests, bacteria, and diseases.
Because a cannabis greenhouse relies primarily on passive solar for light and heat, it's more energy efficient than traditional indoor growing.
This method allows you to begin growing cannabis in a greenhouse during the winter for additional harvests.