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  • Jam On It by Hilight

Jam On It – 1 gr Shatter

72.34% THC3.01% CBG

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Product description

Try this refreshingly affordable cannabis shatter from Hilight. Jam On It is made from crossing Jelly Breath with Dip’ N Stix. Jam On It is a hybrid cannabis strain that is a cross between Jelly Breath BX1 and Dip N Stix. This strain offers a balanced high that is both relaxing and energizing. Jam On It is known for its sweet and fruity aroma with hints of berries, grape, and candy. The flavor is similar to the aroma with a sweet and fruity taste that lingers on the tongue. This strain is likely to provide users with a euphoric and uplifting high, followed by a relaxing body buzz. Jam On It may be beneficial for those looking to alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression. Overall, Jam On It is a delicious and enjoyable strain that is perfect for any time of the day.

Dominant Terpenes

  • β-Caryophyllene

    9.23 mg/g

  • Limonene

    6.15 mg/g

  • Humulene

    3.12 mg/g

  • Guaiol

    2.68 mg/g

  • β-Myrcene

    1.85 mg/g


StrainJam On It
Total THC72.34% (723.38 mg)
Total CBD0.2% (1.97 mg)
Total CBG3.01% (30.11 mg)

Shatter is a concentrate known for its translucent and breakable appearance similar to glass. A little bit of shatter is known to go a long way, meaning a smaller dose can be more effective than the average dose of flower. This type of concentrate is also known for an immediate onset making it a great medicinal tool.

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