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We've partnered with Lotus Health & Wellness to offer discounted medical cards and renewals. Plus, each appointment will get a coupon toward their next order!
Reserve your spot now. Limited walk-up appointments will be available.
11am to 5pm at WholesomeCo Pharmacy
We've partnered with Lotus & Wellness Clinic to offer $75 new cards and renewals. QMPs will be on-site from 11am - 5pm to take appointments.
We're donating 5% of sales from select gummies to Image Reborn and their mission is to provide no-cost renewal retreats to women diagnosed with breast cancer and to assist them in living rich and fulfilling lives.
Coupon given after consult
Coupon given after consult
Voted Best Medical Cannabis Pharmacy in Utah two years in a row
Shop by strain, category, effect and more to find the best products for your specific needs.
We pride ourselves on offer exceptional service and are always available to help.
We offer fast, reliable, and discreet delivery to 23 of 29 Utah counties, with no delivery fee. Pickup is available 7 days a week.
Automatically earn up to 6% back in rewards dollars on all your favorite brands.
If you'd like to get or renew your medical card for $75, reserve your appointment now. Limited walk-up appointments will be available.